Friday, February 13, 2009

Chapels and Tornadoes

Hello Friends! 

I am excited because my internet finally got hooked up today. It was nice to not have access to the wold for about two days. After that it was just annoying and stressful. We have been in Frisco for six days and loving every minute of it. (Minus the tornado warning a few nights ago. More on that in a bit).

I started work on Wednesday. Travis (the other guy in training to be a church planter and my self went to the Lutheran High School in Dallas to lead a chapel. All I can say is that  Jesus was there in a powerful way and changed lives that day. Travis gave a great and challenging message for the students, as well as all of the teachers and admin people gathered. After his message the kids where ready to respond to Jesus through song. They sounded beautiful. I barley had to sing. They took it away all on their own. We sang "Holy Is The Lord," "Here I Am To Worship," and "How Great Is Our God." It was a great day. I have only been here a week and already I am seeing how the Spirit is moving in and through this new team I have joined. 

Amazing families have been brining Tanya and I great home cooked meals each night. We went over to the church's Life Coordinator's house for dinner last night and had  a great time rocking out on Rock Band with their kids. God has really been blessing us and lining everything up where it needs to go. Tanya was telling me how everyone was asking her if she was nervous right before the move and all she could say was no. She knew that we where moving to serve Jesus and his kingdom and she has faith that he will honor that and provide for us. And I can testify that he is!!

Now for the fun part. There was a freaking tornado on Tuesday night!!!! For months leading up to this move I kept assuring Tanya that we will never have to deal with one... well, I lied. On Tuesday night we where running errands around town and a storm started moving in and we heard people saying it was suppose to be bad. A few hours later we got home and heard this weird siren. We thought it could have possibly been a tornado warning but we were not sure. So, Tanya decided to run out in the wind and rain and ask a person walking their dog if it was in fact a tornado warning. Well, yes it was. Of course, I go out side to look and see if I can see anything. Everyone from church was calling us from inside their bathrooms while I was outside looking for it!!! I learned that this was not a smart move and to not do it again. The storm passed in about 20 minutes and then it was really nice out:) We survived our first tornado, sort of. We figured it is better to go through it right away than a year from now. We have been told just wait tell April, that is when it gets really fun. 

Again, thank you for all of your prayers over the past few weeks. It means the world for us. Please continue to pray for Tanya as she is still looking for a job. 



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The tornado story made me laugh. I would not of though to warn y'all about tornadoes, probably because Mike and I have been living inner city the last few years which is less of a threat. But I have survived a few direct hits and have many childhood memories of hiding out from tornadoes. I'm glad y'all are having such a wonderful time being used by God. :)