I am currently reading through the book of John. I was at Rock Harbor in Costa Mesa several weeks ago before I moved to Texas where the pastor, Mike Erre, challenged us to read one of the four gospels. There was a catch though; he challenged us to read it so we could get to know Jesus better, that's it. As college students or church workers or church members it is so easy to read the Bible because "we have to." We either have a theology class we have to study for, or a message we have to prepare for, or a Bible study, or a small group discussion... the list can go on forever. How often do we sit down to read the Bible with the intentions of simply wanting to know Jesus better. Not just facts, but his character, his heart, his motivations for saying and doing what he said and did. I know I can say that I don't think I have ever carved out the time to do this.
So, I took Mr. Erre up on his challenge. I must say, it has been challenging. I have read through the Gospels many times for many classes. I have memorized many facts and dates (that where all erased after I spilled them onto my scantron). This has all been good, but I can't say that it has necessarily changed my heart in a significant way. I can spout off what Jesus did, or some of the historical background behind it all, but does that really mean I know Jesus in a more real and passionate way? Or, does that just make him like any other historical figure I have read about in countless history text books? Please, don't get me wrong, I love all the facts and history in the Bible and it can be very helpful, even necessary to fully get the bigger picture of what is going on in Scripture, but lets not stop there. Lets not read Scripture as only a text book that we check off our list after we have memorized the big names, dates and events.
I now pass on Erre's challenge to you, or rather invite you to join me in this challenge. For the next several weeks I hope to work my way through the book of John and each week write a blog about what I have read. These will probably include some "text book" stuff, but my bigger desire is to know Jesus in a deeper way. I pray that the Holy Spirit brings God's word alive to all of us in a new way. I would love for you to all join me and post your thoughts, to challenge my thoughts, even correct my thoughts (as I am no theologian). So, lets get reading. Feel free to invite your friends to this challenge. I pray that this can be an open place where we can share our thoughts and struggles while encouraging and supporting each other.
Eternity Matters Most,
Music I am currently enjoying:
Fleet Fox
Radio Head
Sigur Ros
Cold Play
Ben Kweller
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