I apologize for letting the ball drop last week. If you look at my last post you will hopefully understand why I did not get around to posting a blog. I am getting freaking married!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!! More on that to come soon.
This post is all about Jesus and his word. First, I want to give huge props to the high school group at Water's Edge. about two weeks ago I challenged them all to read scripture everyday so they can get to know Jesus more. I have to be honest, I didn't think they would do it. But much to my amazement they all exchanged numbers and picked partners to encourage each other to read. Several of them call each other each night. It is crazy. God is good. If high school students can find the time and DESIRE to read God's word for a few minutes each day I think the rest of us can. This coming weekend we will meet again to talk about how it has been effecting their life. My prayer is that I have some sweet stories to share with you all next week form it.
I have been conitueing my journey through John. I really thought I would right a blog on John 2 where Jesus gets pissed in the temple and pulls out a whip and lays down the law on the people who are selling stuff in his Father's house. It is a great scripture. Put that on a flannel graph in Sunday school class; Jesus throwing over tables with a whip in his hand. After that make sure the kids sing "Jesus Loves Me." Not that there is anything wrong with that song. That passage just made me realize that Jesus meant business. He got angry and passionate in a holy and righteous way. That is a whole different blog entry that I don't think I am ready to write yet, but it will come some day.
This week I was hit by John 3:12-14. Right before this passage a Jewish religious leader named Nicodemus approached Jesus at night to clarify who Jesus was. Nicodemus was one of the few Jewish leaders that actually believed who Jesus was, God himself. They have a great dialogue where Jesus tells Nicodemus that one must be born again to see the kingdom of God. I love how Nicodemus responds. He says in John 3: 4, "Surely he cannot be enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born!" Come on Nicodemus, really! This is a highly educated Jewish leader. This guy knows his religion, yet he is stumped. Jesus goes on to explain some more but he still doesn't get it. Then Jesus goes on to say, "I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man. Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life."
This passage made me think a lot. How many times do we go to Jesus asking him to reveal many unknowns to us? Where will the economy go, will I have a job next week, who is my soul mate, where will I go to school, why did my mom or dad die. Jesus is trying to explain him self in worldly terms to Nicodemus, maybe so he can understand better. Yet, Nicodemus is still trying to grasp who Jesus really is. And Jesus says, "Buddy, I have told you about things that you can see and tangibly experience, but you still don't get it. How in the world will you understand who I really am? Jesus then goes on to say that "the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone that who ever believes in him may have eternal life."
I think that the beginning of this challenge is answered for us in the latter passage. Jesus had to be lifted up on our behalf. He had to die to show who he is and God's love for us. The next section in scripture is John 3:16. This is probably on of the most famous passages in scripture. I thin it is ironic that Jesus first says that people will struggle with understanding who he is, then the next passage is super famous and describes who he is.
Before we can start asking Jesus to reveal the great unknowns in our lives, we need to wrestle with who Jesus really is. He is more than a teacher, he is more than a nice guy, he is more than a revolutionary The true Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of Man, the messiah, God in flesh. We don't have to necessarily fully understand how the trinity works, or how his blood saved humanity. We need to have a measure of faith that humbly cries, 'Jesus, I will trust you, even when I doubt, I believe you are who you say you are. Please reveal your self to me."
This is where his Word is so crucial. Jesus promises that through his Word he will show you who he is. I challenge you to read his story. It is so easy in our world today to go to other people and sources to try and figure out who Jesus is. Satan loves that. He will turn people to the media outlet that focuses on the "Christian" group that is condemning gay people to hell before they can get to the Bible. Next thing you know you have a false view of Jesus. You have written him off before you ever actually went to the real source of who he is. Go to the source. I challenge you to read his Word. He promises that he will not return it void.
As we continue living life I pray that Jesus gives you a desire and hunger for his story. That is my prayer for my self as well. I struggle with finding time and the desire to sit with Jesus and get to know him more. But the more I do it the more my vision is starting to shift from my self and more on him and others. God bless your week.
On a side note the new U2 record is good and so is the new Kelly Clarkson... hey stop laughing. Go to the source... it is good I promise!
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