Last night was a glorious night to be had. My lovely lady, my self and my roommates and friends went to a very classy joint called Red Lobster. Now, I normally do not spend that kind of money on food but this was a special occasion friends. It was the famous SHRIMP FEST 2008! We gorged our selves on all yo can eat shrimp for $16.99. We had Cajon shrimp, shrimp scampi, pasta and shrimp, coconut shrimp, and hand breaded shrimp. The record of plates eaten was 12! I also paid my roommate Matt $5 to drink a saucer of left over garlic butter from the scampi. It was amazing. I almost chocked I was laughing so hard.

Tim and me. Where very excited for our shrimp

Round 1. I was so happy! Tanya was excited for me.

She got hers next!

She is not so excited after 4 plates.

Good bye Red Lobster. Tell Shrimp Fest 2009!
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