Yes friends, today I am 23. I am now closer to 25 than I am 20. I am on a down hill spiral to my quarter life crisis. Next thing you know I will be wearing loafers and a shirt and tie. I will soon think jean shorts are cool and sandals with socks are hip. I will soon have to purchase products that claim to enhance hair growth and creams that vanish wrinkles. But I will be strong. I will take my multi vitamins and cut back on the red meat and fried foods.
21 was a fun age, certain privileges came with it, even 22 was memorable because I had had those special privileges for a year. But 23? There is not much to look forward too after this age. I suppose 25 has it perks with lower car insurance rates and the freedom to rent a car while I vacation in Florida.
So, to all of you whippersnappers out there... enjoy... time will get you. To all of us old farts, lets not try to complain too much about loud rock music and refrain from repeating the same stories over and over about walking to school in the snow up hills both ways everyday.
Take this challenge from your much older and wiser elder:
Each day is a gift from our Creator, give that gift away!
Blessings friends.
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