Monday, November 24, 2008

Hello friends,

It has been a while since I have posted anything. The band and I just got back from an amazing weekend in San Diego. We lead worship for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Pacific South West District Youth Gathering, AKA, LCMS PSW DYG, or simply, DYG.  Now that was a mouth full. Basically t was 500 high school students and adult leaders gathered at a sweet hotel in San Diego to worship Jesus and learn more about what it means to follow him while we are living in this world. 

The theme was "ONE." It was based off of Ephesians 4:4-6. The speaker was Travis Hartjen (you can check his blog out at He did an amazing job at bringing God's word to all of us. After each message I was thinking, "Man, he said it all, I don't even need to get up on that stage." But then I realized how easy it was to respond to Jesus after hearing from his word so clearly. The worship was so spirit filled. There where several times that the students kept sining long after the band had stopped playing. It was a very beautiful sound. 



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