Hello Friends,
It has been a long time since I have posted anything. Please forgive me:) This post is very special. On June 3, 2009 God called home a beautiful young lady named MaKenzie Stocker. I did not know Makenzie or her family very well. However, the few nights I stayed with them a few summers ago was a great time. They are amazing people who love Jesus with all they have. It was no wonder Makenzie made a lasting impression on so many people in her short 18 years she danced on this earth. Yes, I said dance. Makenzie was a gifted ballerina. That is what she did. She danced for thousands of people through out her life, but her dad, Todd, said it best, "Makenzie danced for an audience of one."
Makenzie loved Jesus and all she wanted was for others to love him as well. That is how she lived her life, as one big inviting dance with Jesus. She is now in heaven where we all will be dancing with her someday. Please read the letter below that I sent to the Stocker family.
Dear Stocker Family,
Hello, my name is Anthony Celia. You may not remember me. I stayed with your family a few years back for a few days when I visited Houston with Jon Jordening and some other Concordia students. I have since graduated from Concordia and I am serving as the worship leader in Frisco at Water’s Edge with Mark Schaefer and Patrick Miller. I heard about Makenzie last week from Nathan Huse. I am continually lifting your family up in prayer as you continue through this incredibly hard season of life. Here is the reason for this letter.
As so many people have been expressing, your daughter was a very bright and special light for Jesus in this world. The few short nights I spent with your family I could see that there was something special about her. Today I watched her celebration service on the web. That was an amazing time of worship of what Jesus had done in Makenzie’s life. The stories and smiles shared were all testimonies to her victory over sin and death because of Jesus. I loved watching the part where you both got up to speak. I could see that you were hurting, but joyful all at the same time. It was a very moving moment for me.
Right after I watched it I was lead to pick up my guitar and continue worshipping. I started singing a song I had started writing the day before. Now, the story of how the song came to be is kind of important. I have been super sick the past few days with a bad sinus infection. The last thing I wanted to do was sing, let alone try to write. But yesterday afternoon I just felt the urge to pick up my guitar and this song came out. I was pretty happy with it, but I was not totally satisfied with the chorus. It went, “Hallelujah, hallelujah, I sing for you my king.” It was nothing special but I really liked the melody. I was messing around with different words in the place of “sing” all night but nothing made a lasting Impressions… tell now. Fast-forward 24 hours. I just finished watching the service and then picked up my guitar. I never really use my songs in personal worship time, so that is why this is so weird. But out came the song from the day before and out came the word I was looking for.
Bet you didn’t see that coming☺ I started singing, “Hallelujah, hallelujah, I’ll dance for you my king.” I just felt the spirit move through me and tell me that was it and to record it right away and send it to you. Seriously! And I don’t use the term “the spirit told me” lightly or often. As I look back on the past few days I see that God wrote this song in honor of your daughter. It is not much. It was recorded in about an hour in my bedroom with my guitar, my computer, and my sweet, sweet sinus infection. But for what it is worth I hope you enjoy the song. Feel free to share it, or keep it for your selves. I believe that God will/ is using Makenzie’s life in great ways even though she is now truly home. May I have your permission to use this song in public and share your daughter’s story if the occasion arises? My self and my church will continue to lift your family up in prayer. May you continue to cling to Jesus! Never let go! He is good, and he is faithful. Your daughter has inspired me to live my faith out in a more passionate way. I know I am not the only one she has inspired.
So friends, I encourage you to dance. Dance however you have been gifted to. If you are good at art, use that art to glorify Jesus, if you are good with numbers, do it for Jesus, if you are good with people, do it for Jesus. Whatever you do, do it for an audience of One, Jesus Christ.
I have posted the song on my myspace and facebook pages. You can also go here to see a live version I did at Water's Edge a few weeks back. Please stop by and listen to it and pass it on, pass on Makenzie's story.
Blessings as you dance,